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Case Statement with multiple conditions using hibernate criteria

SELECT case when status = 'A' and login='Y' then 'Login Allowed' else 'Enable the Login Status' end as UserLoginStatus FROM Users.

i have verified few answers from stackoverflow but unable find the code to handle the above case.

Below sample code will work for single conditions(case when with status='A') .

**CriteriaBuilder cbr = session_hiber.getCriteriaBuilder();
.when(cbr.equal(path.get("status"), "A"), "Login Allowed")
.otherwise("Enable the Login Status")

How to handle the Case criteria with multiple conditions using criteriaBuilder.


  • came across this post while I was working on same scenario.

    Following code worked for me. by creating the list of predicates and then passing it in the when clause

    List<Predicate> casePredicates = getcasePredicate(criteriaBuilder,contractBidRoot);
                        Predicate[casePredicates.size()])), "DISCARD")
    public List<Predicate> getcasePredicate(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, Root<ContractBid> contractBidRoot)
           List<Predicate> casePredicates = new ArrayList<>(); 
           casePredicates.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(contractBidRoot.get("status"), "DONE"));
           return casePredicates;