Babel is causing me to have a "Cannot access [variable] before initialization" error that is being caused by how babel is transpiling the following two functions:
function dangerousStyleValue(name: string, value: Value) {
if (value == null || typeof value === 'boolean' || value === '') return ''
if (
typeof value === 'number' &&
value !== 0 &&
!isCustomPropRE.test(name) &&
!(isUnitlessNumber.hasOwnProperty(name) && isUnitlessNumber[name])
return value + 'px'
// Presumes implicit 'px' suffix for unitless numbers
return ('' + value).trim()
export function applyAnimatedValues(instance: Instance, props: Lookup) {
if (!instance.nodeType || !instance.setAttribute) {
return false
const isFilterElement =
instance.nodeName === 'filter' ||
(instance.parentNode && instance.parentNode.nodeName === 'filter')
const { style, children, scrollTop, scrollLeft, ...attributes } = props!
const values = Object.values(attributes)
const names = Object.keys(attributes).map(name =>
isFilterElement || instance.hasAttribute(name)
? name
: attributeCache[name] ||
(attributeCache[name] = name.replace(
// Attributes are written in dash case
n => '-' + n.toLowerCase()
if (children !== void 0) {
instance.textContent = children
// Apply CSS styles
for (let name in style) {
if (style.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
const value = dangerousStyleValue(name, style[name])
if (name === 'float') name = 'cssFloat'
else if (isCustomPropRE.test(name)) {, value)
} else {[name] = value
// Apply DOM attributes
names.forEach((name, i) => {
instance.setAttribute(name, values[i])
if (scrollTop !== void 0) {
instance.scrollTop = scrollTop
if (scrollLeft !== void 0) {
instance.scrollLeft = scrollLeft
The transpiled output is:
applyAnimatedValues: function(e, t) {
if (!e.nodeType || !e.setAttribute) return !1;
const n = "filter" === e.nodeName || e.parentNode && "filter" === e.parentNode.nodeName,
r = t,
style: o,
children: i,
scrollTop: a,
scrollLeft: d
} = r,
p = u(r, s),
h = Object.values(p),
v = Object.keys(p).map(t => n || e.hasAttribute(t) ? t : c[t] || (c[t] = t.replace(/([A-Z])/g, e => "-" + e.toLowerCase())));
void 0 !== i && (e.textContent = i);
for (let u in o)
if (o.hasOwnProperty(u)) {
const t = null == (t = o[u = u]) || "boolean" === typeof t || "" === t ? "" : "number" !== typeof t || 0 === t || l.test(u) || f.hasOwnProperty(u) && f[u] ? ("" + t).trim() : t + "px";
"float" === u ? u = "cssFloat" : l.test(u) ?, t) :[u] = t
var m, g;
v.forEach((t, n) => {
e.setAttribute(t, h[n])
}), void 0 !== a && (e.scrollTop = a), void 0 !== d && (e.scrollLeft = d)
I'm getting this error:
As far as I can tell, it is coming from the inlined version of the dangerousStyleValue
const t = null == (t = o[u = u]) || "boolean" === typeof t || "" === t ? "" : "number" !== typeof t || 0 === t || l.test(u) || f.hasOwnProperty(u) && f[u] ? ("" + t).trim() : t + "px";
"float" === u ? u = "cssFloat" : l.test(u) ?, t) :[u] = t
I believe this is being caused by my babel configuration, which is:
const babelLoader = environment.loaders.get('babel');
const babelLoaderUsed = babelLoader.use.find(
(el) => el.loader === 'babel-loader'
babelLoader.test = /\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)?(\.erb)?$/;
babelLoader.exclude = /node_modules\/(?!(recoil)\/).*/;
babelLoaderUsed.options = merge({}, babelLoaderUsed.options, {
presets: [
modules: false,
targets: {
browsers: ['> 1%', 'IE 11']
forceAllTransforms: true,
useBuiltIns: 'entry',
corejs: {
version: 2,
proposals: true
plugins: [
spec: true
root: ['./app'],
alias: {
assets: './assets'
legacy: true
I don't know what setting I need to change in order to fix how the function is being inlined (or to disable inlining if that is necessary). I do need to support IE11 still, that is very important.
I finally figured out that it was coming from uglifyjs. I turned off inlining and the problem was resolved.