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VBA Powerpoint - get Parameters from Shape and hand over to another shape

I am trying to build a VBA-Powerpoint macro which gives the parameters of an activated shape (by mouse) back.

The idea is to hand over the parameters with a second macro to another shape. This need to be activated before (by mouse).


  1. Click on a shape
  2. Activate Macro selectTest -> Feedback Parameters
  3. Click on second shape
  4. Acitvate second macro -> hand over parameters
  5. Both shapes have same size and position

My problem is that i dont understand how to check if the paramters are in my Dim and how to hand it over.

I am new to VBA and trying to learn :)

Dim width   As Double
Dim height  As Double
Dim x       As Double
Dim y       As Double

Sub selectTest()
    With PowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
        width = .width
        height = .height
        x = .Left
        y = .Top
    End With

End Sub


  • The code contains a declaration of global variables and two procedures - getParams to save parameters of a shape (coordinates and dimensions) to global variables and setParams to assign saved parameters to another shape. Global (defined outside a sub or function) variables retain their values between calls to a sub or function. At the beginning of each procedure we check if any figure is selected (the result of this expression must be False): ActiveWindow.Selection.Type = ppSelectionNone. The setParams procedure also checks if the parameters were previously saved. To do this, the variable paramsFilled is used, the default value of which is False, but after saving the parameters it is assigned the value True. If the above checks are passed successfully, the main code is executed - either assigning values of the shape properties to the variables or vice versa assigning the values saved in the variables to the shape properties. ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1) means that we select the first shape from the selected ones (a shape range can contain as few as a single shape or as many as all the shapes on the document). If the checks are unsuccessful, the corresponding messages are output.

    Dim width   As Double
    Dim height  As Double
    Dim x       As Double
    Dim y       As Double
    Dim paramsFilled As Boolean 'if true indicates that the parameters have been filled
    Sub getParams()
        If ActiveWindow.Selection.Type = ppSelectionNone Then
            MsgBox "Nothing selected", vbCritical
            With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
                width = .width
                height = .height
                x = .Left
                y = .Top
            End With
        End If
        paramsFilled = True ' the parameters have been saved
    End Sub
    Sub setParams()
        If Not paramsFilled Then    'check if the parameters are filled in
            MsgBox "Parameters were not saved", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If ActiveWindow.Selection.Type = ppSelectionNone Then
            MsgBox "Nothing selected", vbCritical
            With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
                .width = width
                .height = height
                .Left = x
                .Top = y
            End With
            paramsFilled = False 'optionally you can reset stored parameters after apply or leave them for future use
        End If
    End Sub