I am trying to migrate from LiveData
to Kotlin Flow
. Right now I am working on a project that has offline supports in Room
I was looking through the documentation and I managed to write an observable query in coroutines with Flow
. (see: here)
The problem that I am facing right now is that whenever I add the suspend keyword inside the DAO
class and try to run the project, it fails with the following error:
error: Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type (kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<MyModel>).
The code with the problem:
@Query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE status = :status LIMIT 1")
suspend fun getWithSpecificStatus(status: String): Flow<MyModel?>
I am calling the code like this:
val modelLiveData: LiveData<MyModel?> = liveData(Dispatchers.IO) {
val result = databaseService.getWithSpecificStatus(Enum.IN_PROGRESS.status).first()
result?.let {
I tried to keep things simple. why is my code failing?
You could directly initialise the value of modelLiveData as:
val modelLiveData=databaseService.
You have used Flow so asLiveData()
is used to convert it to LiveData
Also suggestion , you do should not use the suspend keyword because when you are returning Flow, Room automatically does this asynchronously. You just need to consume the Flow.