I receive an error in the console in my Next.js site.
GET https://example.com/_next/data/QPTTgJmZl2jVsyHQ_IfQH/blog/post/21/.json net::ERR_ABORTED 404
I don't understand why it's happened. Maybe I'm using the router incorrectly?
my link code:
<Link href="/blog/post/[id]" as={`/blog/post/${id}`}>
for fetch data for post i use getStaticPaths
& getStaticProps
My problem is similar to this one, but I have it only in production. I try to use prefetch
but it did not work.
This error seems to be something related to the props your page need.
If you inspect the requests of a production build SSR or SSG page the initial pageProps returns from this endpoint: _next/data/....
So check your server console or add some debug helpers to understand deeply what is happening in your getServerSideProps
or getStaticProps