I have a functionality to store data to a couchbase array. I am using the reactive collection in couchbase 3.0 sdk.
With the below sample I am able to store the data, but I am getting CasMismatchException printed in the logs. But as it is an expected one, I don't want it to be printed, how can I achieve that ?
private Consumer<? super Throwable> upsert(String key, String value) {
return e -> {
if (e instanceof CasMismatchException || e instanceof DocumentExistsException) {
defaultCollection // couchbase reactive default colection
s -> {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
.replace(key, values, ReplaceOptions.replaceOptions().cas(s.cas()))
} else {
LOGGER.error("Error on couch operation on - {}", e);
This code prints error logs, can I avoid it ?
I solved the repeated error printing by using Hooks.onErrorDropped.
Hooks.onErrorDropped(error -> {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception happened:", error);
But as suggested in the comments you can also go with onErrorResume. I used the onErrorDropped for my specific case. More detailed explanations can be found in the below links.