I have a XXNETDATA class in c++ library 1. and its derive class PURNETDATA in c++ library2.
namespace WM
namespace XXNET
public ref class XXNETDATA abstract
// Start Constructor/Destructor
virtual int assignNewKey(RWCString &Key) abstract;
virtual public String^ getKey(XX* &pXx) ;
#using "WM.XXNETDATA.WMD.dll"
using namespace WM::XXNET;
namespace WM
namespace NETDATA
public ref class PURNETDATA : public XXNETDATA
// Start Constructor/Destructor
PURNETDATA (const char* filterString,const char* SortString);
virtual int assignNewKey(RWCString &Key) override;
virtual String^ getKey(XX* &pXx) override;
Here I don't get compilation error, but linker error as below
error LNK2020: unresolved token (06000001) WM.XXNET.XXNETDATA::.ctor
error LNK2020: unresolved token (06000010) WM.XXNET.XXNETDATA::getKey
Note: Both libraries are compiled using /clr option.
Class WPRNET.CPP includes WXXNET.h file which doesn't required. because both are managed CPP file and assembly(.dll) contains metadata information, which doesn't require .h files(native defination) to be included.