I have class class1, which has 2 member variables:
private Boolean isEnable;
private Config config;
public classA(final Config config)
this.config = config;
isEnable = config.getEnablingStatus();
public classB fun()
// Do something!
// Return an object of classB!
I want to test the method fun, so I will have to write a test-class and a test method for that. But, how do I mock the method call config.getEnablingStatus(), while creating an object of type classA in the test class?
I am thinking of doing something like this [see the below piece of code].Is it correct? But what is the right way to do it?
private Boolean isEnable;
private Config config;
classA objA = new classA(config);
public void init()
public void test1Fun()
// Does doing this, put the value of isEnable as true in the objA for this test?
isEnable = true;
// Here write the code to test the method fun().
public void test2Fun()
// Does doing this, put the value of isEnable as false in the objA for this test?
isEnable = false;
// Here write the code to test the method fun().
Do not use @InjectMocks
Try something like this
public class TestClassForClassA {
private Config config;
private ClassA objA;
public void init() {
public void test1Fun() {
objA = new ClassA(config);
ClassB objB = objA.fun();
public void test2Fun() {
objA = new ClassA(config);
ClassB objB = objA.fun();