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How to add alt and title attributes along with image in quill editor

  var range = this.quill.getSelection();
  var value = prompt('please copy paste the image url here.');
      this.quill.insertEmbed(range.index, 'image', value, Quill.sources.USER);

I solved the problem of adding images by linking in the quill editor with the api code above. But I couldn't find how to add alt and title properties with the help of api. I can edit it later with the following javascript code, but I need to edit it at the image insertion stage.

if ('IMG') {
  var el =;
el.setAttribute("title", "asdasdasd");

Also, when I add a or tag to the editor, it is surrounded by a p tag and cannot be edited. It puts everything in the p tag and doesn't allow tags like br. How can I solve these problems? Sorry for the bad english.


  • There seems to be no easy and elegant way to do it. The API does not allow it (or I have not seen it) and the source code does not seem to be documented. I propose this code while waiting for a better solution. It is based on a solution to observe dynamically created elements. I have added the caption of the title and alt attribute.

    To get the code to work, you will need to explain the following to your users: They must write the title and alt in this format wherever they want to insert the image:

    %title% A title %alt% An alternative text

    Then, they must select that same:

    %title% A title %alt% An alternative text

    With that text selected they must click the image button and open the image.

    Notice, at the moment, you cannot escape "%alt%", so you cannot use the "%alt%" expression within the value of an attribute. Example:

     %title% The title is before %alt% %alt% the %alt% attribute

    This causes an unwanted alt attribute.

    Paste this code after creating an editor. BTW, it is only valid for the first editor that exists.

    var FER_alt;
    var FER_title;
    function FER_callback(records) {
     records.forEach(function (record) {
      var list = record.addedNodes;
      var i = list.length - 1;
      for ( ; i > -1; i-- ) {
       if (list[i].nodeName === 'IMG') {
         if(FER_title.length > 0){
         if(FER_title.length > 0){
    var FER_observer = new MutationObserver(FER_callback);
    var FER_targetNode = document.querySelector('.ql-editor')
    FER_observer.observe(FER_targetNode, { 
       childList: true,
       subtree: true
    function FER_getTitleAlt(){
      var selection = quill.getSelection();
      var texto =quill.getText(selection.index,selection.length);
      var titleE ="%alt%")
      FER_title = texto.substr(7,titleE-7);
      var titleI = titleE + 5
      FER_alt = texto.substring(titleI)
     var FER_imageboton = document.querySelector(".ql-image")