I have a simple pizza program in Java, made using the Factory Pattern. Basically, when a factory is given as a parameter, it creates a particular pizza, which is then added to the list of pizzas of the PizzaShop.
I would like to create a method that displays how many particular pizzas I have. For instance, when the method is called, I would like it to display something like "We have 5 PizzaChicago and 3 PizzaNewYork". I am not sure how to do that.
This is my code.
public interface Pizza {
String name();
public class PizzaChicago implements Pizza{
public Integer price;
public PizzaChicago(Integer price){
this.price = price;
public String name() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName();
public class PizzaNewYork implements Pizza{
public Integer price;
public PizzaNewYork(Integer price){
this.price = price;
public String name() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName();
public interface PizzaFactory {
public Pizza createPizza(Integer price);
public class PizzaNewYorkFactory implements PizzaFactory{
public Pizza createPizza(Integer price) {
return new PizzaNewYork(6);
public class PizzaChicagoFactory implements PizzaFactory{
public Pizza createPizza(Integer price) {
return new PizzaChicago(8);
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class PizzaShop {
List<Pizza> pizzaList = new ArrayList<>();
public void createPizza(PizzaFactory factory, Integer price){
Pizza pizza = factory.createPizza(price);
System.out.println(pizza.name() + " " + "was created");
What you have to do is iterate the list and check what is the type of every object.
int countPizzaNewYork = 0, countPizzaChicago = 0;
for(Pizza p: pizzaList){
if(p instanceOf PizzaNewYork)
System.out.println("We have "+ countPizzaChicago+" PizzaChicago and "+countPizzaNewYork+" PizzaNewYork");