I just want to make textinput focus easier for more user-friendly application. I try to do when user miss click textinput and click text instead it should focus to textinput.
So I added ref to text as
<Text ref={"textref"}
and on TextInput
<TextInput onPress={_onPress => { this.refs.textref.focus() }}
It worked for 1 word label texts but It didn't worked for long texts. What can I do?
Also it says refs is deprecated is there better way to do it? I find this way shortest and effective but sadly it is deprecated.
Edit: I fixed it.
<Text onPress={() => {this.inputText.focus()}}
<TextInput ref={input => { this.inputText= input}}
worked for me.
First, you're trying to focus a Text, but you can focus only TextInput
Then, i suggest you to init your ref in the constructor
constructor(props) {
this.textInputref = React.createRef()
<Text onPress={() => this.textInputref.current.focus()}>hello world</Text>
<TextInput ref={this.textInputref} />