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PowerShell - Taking Action Based Off of User Input?

I want to request user input via PromptForChoice and then, based on what they select, do a certain action.

In my code I have three options: Laptop, Tablet, and Workstation . If the user selects one, I want to do a certain action as opposed to the other actions assigned to the other options.

In the code, I do not really understand the line containing the decision variable, or what the number 1 means either after $choices. I have put asterisks around the parts of the code I don't understand.

I do not know how to assign certain actions to one button. The first part of code is what I want to do but isn't working, and the last part is the actual script.

$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, **1**)
if ($decision -eq **Laptop**)

$title    = 'PC Type Selection'
$question = 'Select Object Type'
$choices  = '&Laptop','&Tablet' ,'&Workstation'

$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
if ($decision -eq 0) {
Write-Host 'confirmed'
} else {
Write-Host 'cancelled'


  • In the ISE or the console host, notwithstanding; you don't get back a string from this code. You get an array/index number.

    $title    = 'PC Type Selection'
    $question = 'Select Object Type'
    $choices  = '&Laptop','&Tablet' ,'&Workstation'
    Using PowerShell's variable squeezing to assign the results and
    output to screen at the same time.
    This, not a requirement, just a demo of how to see your variable 
    content on use.
    ($decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1))
    # Results
    # Results
    # Results

    So, you need to ask for that number, then branch to whatever else you'd want to do, using conditional logic. Multiple or nested if/then/else, try/catch. or switch statement.

    $title    = 'PC Type Selection'
    $question = 'Select Object Type'
    $choices  = '&Laptop','&Tablet' ,'&Workstation'
    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
    switch ($decision)
        0 {'You selected Laptop'}
        1 {'You selected Tablet'}
        2 {'You selected Workstation'}
        Default {}
    # Results
    You selected Laptop
    # Results
    You selected Tablet
    # Results
    You selected Workstation