I'm using jest-mock-extended in my tests.
I would like to test the following code:
class A {
constructor(private b: B){}
public test(x: string): string {
const res1 = this.b.compose({
name: x + '_foo'
const res2 = this.b.compose({
name: x + '_bar'
return res1 + '_' + res2
And my test:
test(() => {
const bMock: MockProxy<B> = mock<B>()
const a: A = new A(bMock)
x: 'yoyo_foo'
}).mockReturnValueOnce(x + '_once')
x: 'yoyo_bar'
}).mockReturnValueOnce(x + '_twice')
const result = a.test('yoyo')
But since the calledWith
function is using referential equality it doesn't work, the compose
function of the mocked object returns undefined
Is there a way to make it work? Maybe to enforce a shallow equality?
I would like to be able to use the calledWith
function with an object, is there a way?
Is there another way to mock the compose function according to its input?
I think you should use containsValue('value')
matcher from jest-mock-extended
in eg.ts
export interface B {
compose(obj): string
export class A {
constructor(private b: B) {}
public test(x: string): string {
const res1 = this.b.compose({
name: x + "_foo"
const res2 = this.b.compose({
name: x + "_bar"
return res1 + "_" + res2
in eg.test.ts
// libs
import { test, expect } from "@jest/globals"
import { mock, MockProxy, objectContainsValue } from "jest-mock-extended"
import { A, B } from "./eg"
test("test", () => {
const bMock: MockProxy<B> = mock<B>()
const a: A = new A(bMock)
.mockReturnValueOnce("yoyo_foo" + "_once")
.mockReturnValueOnce("yoyo_bar" + "_twice")
const result = a.test("yoyo")