I want to bring a principle of keywords to my project. I am using a bootstrap template for this one. However the template only allows tags with one word. Example:
The separation is done automatically by clicking on the space bar. However, I would like to allow several words, so create the separator with 2 spaces (It may not be the best way, I listen to your suggestions). This is a site related to the school environment, so the user can enter a program name with 2 words, currently I am able to do it with a / (without having touched the code)
I don't have a lot of code to give you other than this:
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group">
<label><strong>Liste des mots clés:</strong></label>
<div class="edit-on-delete form-control" data-tags-input-name="edit-on-delete" id="etabMotsClef" name="etabMotsClef"></div>
// Edit / Delete tag on delete
"edit-on-delete": false,
And if it's allowed I can put yours from the template:
With help from @User863 this is what my code looks like:
'no-spacebar': true, // default - false
'forbidden-chars': [".", "_", "?", " "], // double space added
"forbidden-chars-callback": function () {
sweetAlertInput("Vous ne pouvez utiliser ce caractère ", "etabMotsClef");
'no-duplicate-callback': function () {
sweetAlertInput("Vous avez déjà utilisé ce mot clé ", "etabMotsClef");
'no-duplicate': true,
'no-enter': false,
'tags-limit': 5,
'no-del': true,
'no-quote': true,
'edit-on-delete': false,
'no-comma': true
Try using no-spacebar
'no-spacebar': true, // default - false
'forbidden-chars': ["," , ".", "_", "?", " "] // double space added
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/sniperwolf/taggingJS/example/tag-basic-style.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/sniperwolf/taggingJS/tagging.min.js"></script>
<div data-tags-input-name="tag" id="tagBox">preexisting-tag</div>