sheet client capture erreur code
i need to extract the text in the cells names "_mailclient" when i can find ref previously enter. the code need to : -find in all sheet the reference, put in the messge box -if he find the the word, he extrait the cells "_mailclient" of the sheet with the ref and put him in another sheet and pass to the next sheet -if not he pass to the next sheet. -repet the code for evely sheet. Thanks for your time
Sub recherche_mail()
Dim feuille As Worksheet
Dim valeurtrouve As Range
Dim recherche As String
Dim nomclient As String
'Intéger reference for FIND
recherche = InputBox("Pour quel réparation doit je extraire les clients ?", "référence de la
'for every sheet in ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each feuille In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
'affect the variable to valeurtrouve
Set valeurtrouve = feuille.Range("C8:C10000").Find(recherche, , xlValues, xlWhole)
'if valeur trouve was find copy it
If valeurtrouve.Value = recherche.Value Then
'and paste in another sheet
Sheets.Add.Name = "liste client"
End If
Next feuille
'if isn't find next sheet
If Not valeurtrouve Is Nothing Then Exit For
Next feuille
'if no more sheet exit and message box and sub
If Not valeurtrouve Is Nothing Then
MsgBox (" la liste a été créer "), True
'if no people was find message box and sub
MsgBox "Personne n'a cette rèf ... va falloir bosser un peu plus", vbInformation
End If
End Sub
I hope it's clear, i'm a begginer please be indulgent :')
Based on your information, I have modified your code and allow add new sheet multiple times using same name, and if new sheet
added then will display successful message :
Sub recherche_mail()
Dim feuille As Worksheet, newWb As Worksheet
Dim valeurtrouve
Dim recherche As String
Dim i As Long, colNum As Long
Dim searchResult As Boolean
'Intéger reference for FIND
recherche = InputBox("Pour quel réparation doit je extraire les clients ?", "référence de la réparation ")
searchResult = False
colNum = 1
'for every sheet in ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each feuille In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
'affect the variable to valeurtrouve
valeurtrouve = feuille.Range("C8:C10")
If searchResult = True Then
For i = LBound(valeurtrouve) To UBound(valeurtrouve)
If InStr(CStr(valeurtrouve(i, 1)), recherche) > 0 Then
feuille.Range("B1:B4").Copy newWb.Cells(1, colNum)
colNum = colNum + 1
End If
End If
If searchResult = False Then
For i = LBound(valeurtrouve) To UBound(valeurtrouve)
If InStr(CStr(valeurtrouve(i, 1)), recherche) > 0 Then
Sheets.Add.Name = "liste client"
Set newWb = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("liste client")
feuille.Range("B1:B4").Copy newWb.Cells(1, colNum)
colNum = colNum + 1
searchResult = True
End If
End If
Next feuille
If searchResult = False Then
MsgBox (" No record is found "), vbOKOnly
MsgBox "People found and new sheet created"
End If
End Sub
Let say if you key in RVA
in the input box, new sheet will be added by copy `Range A1:B4' else nothing will happen, please try and adjust it for your need:
Combine Sheet