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Using boost test with Visual Studio

I am trying to use Boost Test to add some much needed unit tests to my code. However I can't seem to get it to work. Right now I have the following code

#include <Drawing.h>
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE DrawingModelTests
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( DrawingConstructorTest)
    Drawing * drawing = new Drawing;

    delete drawing;


From what I understand I don't need to put a main or anything since boost will take care of it himself. However Visual Studio keep giving me a "entry point must be defined" error. Do I need to manually add a link to the static library or something? I am compiling as a standard .exe console application.


  • I had this problem with VS2010 and the solution was to set 'Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Advanced -> Entry Point' to 'main' for the project.