Can someone explain the process of building libraries without relying on a package manager. I am a new developer and I find this task to be very difficult every time. I am currently trying to build the library so I can contribute to it and gain real world experience.
I managed to follow the but I am now confused where to find the .Sln file to start coding.
Btw: I am using Ubuntu on a virtual machine.
My questions: Can some give me a detailed or simple overview on how to build libraries? Using the clickhouse library as an example would also directory
I added a picture of a my build directory if that also helps to show where I am going wrong.
ClickHouse is written in C++ (not c#, so there isn't sln-file).
C++ doesn't have the standard package manager as in other worlds - .net (nuget), nodejs (npm), etc Instead used git submodules.
The article you reference should explicitly explain how to compile required software - just follow it (
I can just repeat this article:
# configure git (call just ONCE)
git clone
git remote add upstream
# get the latest version (
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master
git push -f origin master
# get packages files
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive -f
# build
mkdir build
cd build
export CC=clang-10 CXX=clang++-10
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
ninja -j 2 clickhouse-server clickhouse-client
# run compiled code
cd {your_repo_location}/ClickHouse/programs/server
# run tests
cd {your_repo_location}/ClickHouse/tests
./clickhouse-test -b ../build/programs/clickhouse --print-time --no-stateful 00189 00921
ps all these steps have detailed description in official docs - I would follow these docs and if you find some mistakes don't hesitate to fix it
ps2 take into account that the first compiling takes several hours