Search code examples

Angular firestore

I need help to draw my firestore schema. Root collection User - ID1 (athlete) ID2 (coach) -> subColl (Page) ID3

The user can be a trainer or an athlete

If it is trainer it saves the public data in another root collection called

trainerInfo - ID (same as trainer ID example ID2)

Through trainerInfo the athlete can see the list of available trainers With function:

fetchAvailableTrainer (): Observable <PublicTrainerInfo []> {
    return from (
        .collection <PublicTrainerInfo> (`trainerInfo`)
        .valueChanges ({idField: 'idField'})

When the trainer selects a trainer he can see his page which is a sub-collection of users with the function:

fetchTrainerPageFromAthlete (id): Observable <TrainerPage> {
    const collection = this.afs.collection <TrainerPage> (
      `users / $ {id} / trainerPage`
    const trainerPage $ = collection.valueChanges ({idField: 'idField'}). pipe (
      map ((trainerPage) => {
        const trainerPage2 = trainerPage [0];
        return trainerPage2;
    returns trainerPage $;

I wonder is it okay to expose the trainer ID?


  • You need not hide user ID. To restrict other users accessing the user data, you have to set firebase rule. This document will help you.