Hi I am using ms chart control in win-forms application.
I have a problem with mouse click event handler for chart control. I need to check that like this if the mouse click event for chart control is true then do something like this i have done the code like this
bool this.kpiChartControl.MouseClick = false;
if (this.kpiChartControl.MouseClick != true)
//do something.....
ERROR : The event system.windows.forms.control.mouseclick can only appear on left hand side of += or -=
would any one pls help on this.......
I need to check like this if mouse click event for mschart is true " do something "....
Modified code :
this.kpiChartControl.MouseClick+= new MouseEventHandler(void (object , MouseEventArgs e))
still it was giving error can any help me on this...
if( this.kpiChartControl.MouseClick+= new MouseEventHandler(void (object sender , MouseEventArgs e)) == true)
// do something
Error :Invalid term Void
You need to register to the event; as such:
this.kpiChartControl.MouseClick += (obj, sender) => { //Do something }
See also: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa645739(VS.71).aspx