I'm using Google Cloud Shell, and the default node version is 12.14.1. Is there an easy way to update the node version to 14.x or 16.x?
seems to be installed with nvm
$ which node
isn't a file, but a bash function and is exposed via /google/devshell/bashrc.google.d/nvm
This script is sourced by default by /google/devshell/bashrc.google
. However, I inadvertently commented out these lines, which disabled it
if [ -f "/google/devshell/bashrc.google" ]; then
source /google/devshell/bashrc.google
For anyone who's curious, those lines are put in there by /etc/profile.d/restore_bashrc.sh
If you ran into a similar issue and want to fix it manually, you can add the following lines to your .bashrc
for FILE in /google/devshell/bashrc.google.d/*; do
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
source "$FILE"