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PostgreSQL SELECT only values inside jsonb data

I have a postgresql data with values (it is jsonb type column):

SELECT data FROM orders;

        "food_id": "1",
        "table": "A12",
        "food_id": "2",
        "table": "A14",

I can easily SELECT by providing data as it is, but how to convert it into simplified ?

My expected result:

SELECT ??? as food_tables FROM orders;

["A12", "A14"]

I personally still did not understand how jsonb_array_elements() works.



  • You could perform a lateral cross join with the unnested array elements and extract the attributes:

    SELECT jsonb_agg(d.elem -> 'table')
    FROM orders
       CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( AS d(elem)

    Use array_agg instead of jsonb_agg if you want a PostgreSQL array.

    It is a mistake to model tabular data as a JSON array. Change your data model so that each array element becomes a row in a database table.