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How to parse rtsp url with boost qi?

I'm trying to parse RTSP-url like this:
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
qi::int_parser<unsigned char, 16, 2, 2> hex_byte;

struct UrlParser : qi::grammar<stringIterator_t, UrlStruct()>
    UrlParser() : UrlParser::base_type(start)
        using boost::spirit::int_;
        namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;

        using boost::spirit::ascii::char_;
        // Parses http://, rtsp://, ftp://....
        protocol %= +(char_ - ':') >> "://"; 

        // Parsers for url decoding
        encodeChar.add("+", ' ');
        passwordRule = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - '@');
        loginRule = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - ':');

        // Parses user:pass@, user:@, :pass@
        credentials %= loginRule >> ':' >> passwordRule >> '@';

        // Parses host name or ip address in
        host %= +(!(char_("/") | (char_(":")) >> +ascii::digit >> (char_("/") | boost::spirit::eoi)) >> char_);

        // Parses port number in ":80", string
        port %= ':' >> int_;

        // Parses script path in "/video.cgi?resulution=1" string.
        path %= *(char_ - boost::spirit::eol);

        start %= -protocol
            >> -credentials
            >> host
            >> -port
            >> path

    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, UrlStruct()>                 start;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               protocol;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, UrlStruct::stringPair_t()>       credentials;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               host;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, int()>                       port;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               path;

    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               loginRule;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               passwordRule;
    qi::symbols<char const, char const>                     encodeChar;


UrlStruct looks like this:

struct UrlStruct
    typedef boost::optional<std::string>                    optString_t;
    typedef boost::optional<int>                            port_t;
    typedef boost::fusion::vector<std::string, std::string> stringPair_t;
    typedef boost::optional<stringPair_t>                   credentials_t;

    optString_t         protocol;

    credentials_t       credentials;

    std::string         host;

    port_t              port;

    std::string         path;

and this is work when I have url like this:


But when in my password I've '@' this is not working. URL for example:


How I can resolve this problem?


  • The relatively obvious workaround would be to URL-escape the @:

    Live On Coliru

    UrlParser p;
    for (std::string const input : {
        stringIterator_t f = begin(input), l = end(input);
        Ast::UrlStruct u;
        if (parse(f, l, p, u)) {
            std::cout << "Parsed: " << u << "\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "Failed\n";


    Parsed: ( rtsp  (admin admin) -- /vod/
    Parsed: ( rtsp  (admin adm@in) -- /vod/
    Parsed: ( rtsp  (admin adm) -- /vod/

    As you can see the second (using %40 for @) parsed fine.

    Fixing It The Flexible Way

    Your host-rule already has some negative look-ahead assertions:

    host = +(
        !(char_("/") | (char_(":")) >> +ascii::digit >> (char_("/") | boost::spirit::eoi))
        >> char_);

    I'd simplify this to the equivalent:

    host = +(~char_("/") - (port >> ('/' | qi::eoi)));

    As an aside, I think the ":nnnn" is not a port unless it is at the very end of the hostname might be wrong and potentially unsafe. I suppose you have it there so you can still accept IPV6 addresses? See also What is the nicest way to parse this in C++?

    Similarly your password rule has a subtractive parser:

    password = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - '@');

    What you want is close; you don't want to disallow '@' per se, but only if followed by a valid host production:

    login    = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - ':');
    password = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - 
            ('@' >> host >> eoh));

    I introduced a nifty short-hand for end-of-host:

    auto eoh = qi::copy('/' | qi::eoi);

    This is to remove the repetition with the host rule. Note that now we finish the job by making sure @ doesn't occur in the host-part (there are likely more characters to exclude according to the RFC, but this is the minimum to make your tests pass):

    host = +(~char_("@/") - (portSpec >> eoh));


    Live On Coliru

    //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
    #include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
    #include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <iomanip>
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace Ast {
        struct UrlStruct {
            using optString_t = boost::optional<std::string>;
            using port_t      = boost::optional<int>;
            struct Credentials { // more natural, for ease of debug output really
                std::string login, password;
            using credentials_t = boost::optional<Credentials>;
            optString_t   protocol;
            credentials_t credentials;
            std::string   host;
            port_t        port;
            std::string   path;
        using boost::fusion::operator<<;
    } // namespace Ast
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::UrlStruct::Credentials, login, password)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::UrlStruct, protocol, credentials, host, port, path)
    using stringIterator_t = std::string::const_iterator;
    struct UrlParser : qi::grammar<stringIterator_t, Ast::UrlStruct()>
        UrlParser() : UrlParser::base_type(start)
            namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
            using boost::spirit::ascii::char_;
            // Parses http://, rtsp://, ftp://....
            protocol = +(char_ - ':') >> "://"; 
            // Parsers for url decoding
            encodeChar.add("+", ' ');
            auto eoh = qi::copy('/' | qi::eoi);
            login    = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - ':');
            password = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - 
                    ('@' >> host >> eoh));
            // Parses user:pass@, user:@, :pass@
            credentials = login >> ':' >> password >> '@';
            // Parses host name or ip address in
            host = +(~char_("@/") - (portSpec >> eoh));
            // Parses port number in ":80", string
            portSpec = ':' >> port_number;
            // Parses script path in "/video.cgi?resulution=1" string.
            path = *(char_ - qi::eol);
            start = -protocol
                >> -credentials
                >> host
                >> -portSpec
                >> path
      qi::rule<stringIterator_t, Ast::UrlStruct()>              start;
      qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>                 protocol;
      qi::rule<stringIterator_t, Ast::UrlStruct::Credentials()> credentials;
      qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>                 host;
      qi::rule<stringIterator_t, int()>                         portSpec;
      qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>                 path;
      qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()> login;
      qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()> password;
      qi::symbols<char const, char const>       encodeChar;
      qi::uint_parser<uint8_t, 16, 2, 2> hex_byte;
      qi::uint_parser<uint16_t> port_number;
    int main() {
        UrlParser p;
        for (std::string const input : {
            stringIterator_t f = begin(input), l = end(input);
            Ast::UrlStruct u;
            if (parse(f, l, p, u)) {
                std::cout << "Yay: " << u << "\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << "Nay\n";
            if (f != l) {
                std::cout << "Remaining: " << std::quoted(std::string(f, l)) << "\n";

    Now prints:

    Yay: ( rtsp  (admin admin) -- /vod/
    Yay: ( rtsp  (admin adm@in) -- /vod/
    Yay: ( rtsp  (admin adm@in) -- /vod/

    Other Asides

    • Port really should be limited to positive integers in the 16 bit range.

    • Use BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG to debug your grammar more easily

    • don't use the implementation details (fusion::vector). Instead just std::pair, or indeed another adapted struct as I've done. That makes it much less painful to implement operator<< for quick debugging.

    • You have a slight inconsistency regarding the end-of-input detection. In most places you use eoi, but then in path you accept until eol. You probably want to make things more consistent or decide what any input starting from the eol means.

    • Real life URI's sometimes contain login names but not the password (also without :@). I think your grammar might want to support that?

    • A more structural deficiency with the parser right now is efficiency. All the negative look-aheads might lead to more back-tracking than desired. - (':' >> port) should be fine, but - ('@' >> host) might peek quite a few characters. Realistically, I donot think that should be a problem (unless of course you regularly have very long passwords with many ampersand characters).

      But on a serious note I'd take that as a sign the parser is trying to do too many things at the same level of abstraction. Things would be much easier if you divide-and-conquer: schema://HOSTSTUFF/PATHSTUFF first and then HOSTSTUFF in the way I linked earlier. Same then goes for the path/query part because there's a myriad of interesting things there that you really don't need to bother with when at first separating the toplevel limbs of the URI.