I have the following text:
Send to <a class="tipo9" id="1">Example Mark</a> and <a class="tipo0" id="3">Testing James</a> a new Document
And would like to obtain the following code:
Send to <per>1</per> and <per>3</per> a new Document
The number between the tags is the id number.
I have found a very complicated solution like:
function convert(f) {
var str=f;
str=str.replaceAll('<a class="', '[per]');
str=str.replaceAll('/a>', '[/per]');
str=str.replaceAll(/tipo\d/g, '');
str=str.replaceAll(/['"]+/g, '');
str=str.replaceAll('"', '');
str=str.replaceAll(' id=', '');
str=str.replaceAll(/\s*\>.*?\<\s*/g, "")
str=str.replaceAll('[per]', '<per>');
str=str.replaceAll('[/per]', '</per>');
but it gives different problems. I know that it should exist another solution with regex but I was not able to obtain a working result.
Hope to find some good solution :)
This seems more like a job for DOMParser
var parsed = new DOMParser().parseFromString('Send to <a class="tipo9" id="1">Example Mark</a> and <a class="tipo0" id="3">Testing James</a> a new Document', "text/html");
n = document.createElement("pre");
n.innerHTML = e.id;
var result = parsed.body.innerHTML;