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How can I draw the background with gaussian blur in Graphics2D in Java

I tried several things but they were all too slow, and I tried to use LWJGL and LibGdx but that's too advanced for me because the shaders must be created in the shader language. The last I tried has failed due to be too slow, and being glitchy. This is the last method I tried: (I used Graphics2D composite, and JHLabs FilterComposite with GaussianBlurFilter)

    public void render(BubbleBlaster game, Graphics2D gg) {
        LoadedGame loadedGame = BubbleBlaster.getInstance().getLoadedGame();
        if (loadedGame == null) {

        Composite oldCompositeCo = gg.getComposite();
        FilterComposite filterComposite = new FilterComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f), new GaussianBlurFilter(10));



  • There is a live web demo of Gaussian Blur for LibGDX (7th option down on the left) here

    To include in your app details of GDX-VFX are here