Good day, I have little knowledge with excel VBA variables and have been struggling for days to make this one work. I had assigned "Workbook2.xlsm" as a central database file. It contains all individual employee IDs in column A(starting from column A2, A1 is a table header). Through an input section within another "Workbook1.xlsm" I am trying to trigger with a VBA to open Workbook 2/Sheet1, match the individual ID entered in cell A2 in Workbook 1 with the list of IDs in column A in Workbook 2, copy the type of training, start and end date from Workbook 1 next to the corresponding ID in Worksheet 2, then close and save Worksheet 2.
Worksheet 2 Database to search ID and paste assignment, on and off from Worksheet 1
Thank you in advance for the ideas.
I've created similar workbook which basically uses one sheet to update another sheet. code below is based on one workbook. you can modify for the two workbooks by adding the workbook name before the sheet, turn off screen updating, open workbook2, assign the values, save workbook2, turn on screen updating.
i recommend creating a table so that the range will be automatically dynamic as new employees are added "TblData". you can also do this with a named range, but in my experience, it is a little cumbersome. With a little more coding, you can have option to add employee. Name your button "AssignTrainBtn". This code would be located in the ManageAssignment sheet object assigned to the click action of AssignTrainBtn
Private Sub AssignTrainBtn_Click()
Dim formSheet As Worksheet
Dim dataSheet As Worksheet
Dim nextRow As Integer
Dim IDCol As Range
Set formSheet = Sheets("ManageAssignments")
Set dataSheet = Sheets("TempAssignments")
Set IDCol = dataSheet.Range("TblData[ID]")
ID = Range("a2")
If ID <> vbNullString Then
Set Rng = IDCol.Find(what:=ID, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
nextRow = Rng.Row
MsgBox ("employee not found")
Exit Sub
End If
dataSheet.Cells(nextRow, 2).Value = formSheet.Range("b2").Value
dataSheet.Cells(nextRow, 3).Value = formSheet.Range("c2").Value
dataSheet.Cells(nextRow, 4).Value = formSheet.Range("d2").Value
End If
End Sub