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REACTJS : How to know if a method fails inside a Promise?

I have an promise that is the Module object of a WASM in my component called like that

this.myPromise.then(async (module: any) => {
 ...other methods and logic

this myMethod is a simply cpp function. By commenting out this method I have simulated that this method isn´t reacheble and in the console I got the log from my cpp function .How can I catch this failing method event ? I want to display a loading bar while it loads and a failure message when it fails

NOTE: I tried using .catch() but with an alert inside because and error was not defined.

UPDATE: I am trying to use react tostify with a boolean flag but the tast.error is called after the state is changed not in the catch as soon as the error is thrown(note that my promise with the catch is inside the componentDidMount():

  componentDidMount() {
 this.myPromise.then(async (module: any) => {
 ...other methods and logic

 }).catch(alert()); .catch((err: any) => {
    console.log(err); true;

    toast.error("Error occurred!", {
      position: "top-right",
      autoClose: 5000,
      hideProgressBar: false,
      closeOnClick: true,
      pauseOnHover: true,
      draggable: true,
      progress: undefined,
   }//end of componentDidMount


   return (
    { true ? (
        <ToastContainer />
    ) : (
        other content to show


  • I resolved by triggering it with a new setting of the state.