Using: Spring Boot Maven Lombok STS 4.9
I have a simple constructor which takes in 3 arguments and assigns them each to a corresponding field. Another field is auto-generated, and two more are autowired by Spring. The constructor, which is explicitly defined, is annotated with @Builder (at the constructor level, as Lombok recommends in the documentation.) the constructor looks like so:
@GeneratedValue( )
private Long accountId;
private Long userId;
private Credentials credentials;
private UserProfileInfo userProfileInfo;
private Credit acctCredit;
private AccountState acctState;
public Account(Long userId, Credentials cred, UserProfileInfo info){
this.userId = userId;
this.credentials = cred;
this.userProfileInfo = info;
As far as I can see, everything seems to check out here.At the very least, there are no warnings or errors. However, when I try to use the builder()
method elsewhere, as is shown here:
void testThreeArgConstructerReturnsProperObject() {
Account testAccount = Account.builder().build();
} is as if the @Builder
method wasn't there at all. I get the usual red underline under build, but hovering w/ cursor just gives the option to declare a new builder()
Account class. If I delete builder()
from the test class, intellisense just shows Account.class
, super
, and this
. It is as if the annotation wasn't there.
At first, I thought that I had misused it somehow, as I just recently started using it, But I have been looking over my code and comparing with examples for hours now. As far as I can tell, syntax and usage are correct.
I have done a bit of debugging as well. Aside from checking intellisense, I have also tried using it at different scopes, including in the same package, and I tried the "simplest form" method, where I changed the method so it only has a single int parameter. In every case, I couldnt get the environment to acknowledge the constructor.
Am I overlooking something here?
I finally figured it out! The reason that Lombok wasn't working was due to my pc. I haven't used it since switching to PC. Apparently, Lombok doesn't like STS on linux. in order to get it working I had to install manually through a process for which instructions aren't easily located, and which I ultimately found here.