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How to set Firestore Rule searching for a reference

I'm trying to request a user's customerId based on the user's uid, so that I can use that customerId for future reads/write within the application based on the denormalized structure of other collections.


match /customers/{customerId} {
     allow read: if debug(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.uid) in;
     // allow list: if request.auth.uid in;
     allow write: if false;
const userRef = firestore
await firestore
  .where("users", "array-contains", userRef).get()

FirebaseError: Null value error. for 'list' @ L13, Null value error. for 'list' @ L14

When I change to read: true or list: true the query is allowed (so I know it's the right match, just wrong rules)


  • So angry - the answer is

    Firebase emulators were on different versions than my project's firebase packages, so npm install -g firebase-tools fixed it.

    Wasted like 6 hours 😡🤬 i hope someone working at Firebase sees this!!