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Issues using Retrofit2 to call GitHub REST API to update existing file

I'm attempting to use Retrofit to call the GitHub API to update the contents of an existing file, but am getting 404s in my responses. For this question, I'm interested in updating this file. Here is the main code I wrote to try and achieve this: GitHubUpdateFileRequest

public class GitHubUpdateFileRequest {
  public String message = "Some commit message";
  public String content = "Hello World!!";
  public String sha = "shaRetrievedFromSuccessfulGETOperation";
  public final Committer committer = new Committer();

  private class Committer {
    Author author = new Author();
    private class Author {
      final String name = "blakewilliams1";
      final String email = "[email protected]";

**GitHubUpdateFileResponse **

public class GitHubUpdateFileResponse {
  public GitHubUpdateFileResponse() {}


public interface GitHubClient {
  // Docs:
  Call<GitHubFile> getConfigFile();

  Call<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> updateConfigFile(@Body GitHubUpdateFileRequest request);

Main Logic

// Set up the Retrofit client and add an authorization interceptor
UserAuthInterceptor interceptor =
    new UserAuthInterceptor("[email protected]", "myActualGitHubPassword");
OkHttpClient.Builder httpClient =
    new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(interceptor);

Retrofit.Builder builder =
    new Retrofit.Builder()

Retrofit retrofit = builder.client(;

client = retrofit.create(GitHubClient.class);

// Now make the request and process the response
GitHubUpdateFileRequest request = new GitHubUpdateFileRequest();
client.updateConfigFile(request).enqueue(new Callback<GitHubUpdateFileResponse>() {
  public void onResponse(Call<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> call, Response<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> response) {
    int responseCode = response.code();
    // More code on successful update

  public void onFailure(Call<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> call, Throwable t) {
    Log.e("MainActivity", "Unable to update file" + t.getLocalizedMessage());

What currently happens:
Currently, the success callback is triggered, but with a response code of 404 like so:

Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=404, message=Not Found, url=}

Has anyone else encountered this? I first thought it was a problem with including '/content/' in the URL but I do the same thing for reading the file contents request and it works fine (also uses same URL just a GET instead of PUT).


  • For anyone interested in doing this in the future, I figured out the solution.

    1. I needed to revise the request object structure
    2. Rather than using an authentication interceptor, I instead added an access token to the header. Here is where you can create access tokens for Github, you only need to grant it permissions to the 'repos' options for this use case to work.

    This is what my updated request object looks like:

    public class GitHubUpdateFileRequest {
      public String message;
      public String content;
      public String sha;
      public final Committer committer = new Committer();
      public GitHubUpdateFileRequest(String unencodedContent, String message, String sha) {
      this.message = message;
      this.content = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(unencodedContent.getBytes());
      this.sha = sha;
      private static class Committer {
        final String name = "yourGithubUsername";
        final String email = "[email protected]";

    Then from my code, I would just say:

    GitHubUpdateFileRequest updateRequest = new GitHubUpdateFileRequest("Hello World File Contents", "This is the title of the commit", shaOfExistingFile);

    For using this reqest, I updated the Retrofit client implementation like so:

    @Headers({"Content-Type: application/vnd.github.v3+json"})
    Call<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> updateConfigFile(
        @Header("Authorization") String authorization, @Body GitHubUpdateFileRequest request);

    And I call that interface like this:

    githubClient.updateConfigFile("token yourGeneratedGithubToken", request);

    And yes, you do need the prefix "token ". You could hardcode that header into the interface, but I pass it in so that I can store it in locations outside of my version control's reach for security reasons.