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Make buttons slide up in accordion in React

I have in React an accordion with buttons that slide up/down content, like on this image

I made some functional components and things look like this:

    <SlideButton title="Title goes here">
        Content goes here
    <SlideButton title="Title goes here">
        Content goes here

Clicking a SlideButton calls a function handleClick that changes the state opened of the component, making it slide its content up on false or down on true.

But how could I make all the other SlideButtons inside SlideButtonContainer set their state opened to false?

SlideButton uses SlideDown from this repo and is as follows:

export default function SlideButton(props) {
    const [opened, setOpened] = useState(false);

    function handleClick() {

    return (
        <div className="slideButton">
            <div className="slideButtonButton" onClick={handleClick}>
            <div className="slideButtonContents">
                    {opened ? props.children : null}

SlideButtonContainer is just a styled div

export default function SlideButtonContainer(props) {
    return (
        <div className="slideButtonContainer">
            { props.children }


  • Solved. In SlideButtonContainer I use React.cloneElement on render and set refs to its children, and I can use children's function with this loop:

    for (var ref in this.refs) {