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singleton with js is causing memory leak

I'm developing a chrome extension, I want the config object, to be created once and shared between all parts of the application. A second object depending on the config should be also created once and shared. Each object contains promises.

function config () {
   this.instanse = null;
   this.status = 'pending'; = defualtData;
   // contructor
   this.init = async () => { 
     if(this.instanse) return this.instanse;
     this.instanse = this;
     await this.loadData(); 

   this.loadData = async () => { // bring data from chrome store } 

and the second object as follow:

function WebsitesClass (config) {
   this.instanse = null;
   this.status = 'pending'; =;
   // contructor
   this.init = async () => { 
     if(this.instanse) return this.instanse;
     this.instanse = this;
     await this.loadAnotherData(; 

   this.loadAnotherData = async () => { // bring data from chrome store; } 

then I instantiate the two objects at one file:

// init.js

const configObj = new Config();

export const hudConfigInit = () => {
    if (configObj.instance) return configObj;
    return configObj;

export const hudConfig = hudConfigInit();

const websitesObj = new WebsitesClass(hudConfig);

const hudWebsitesObjInit = () => {
    return websitesObj;

export const hudWebsites = hudWebsitesObjInit();

then I will import the created objects into all of my files, like:

import {hudConfig, hudWbsites} from 'init.js';

window.inload = async() => {

 await waitFor([ hudConfig, hudWebsites ]);

   // start work here ...


the problem is I'm facing a strange infinite loop somewhere in this implementation.

what did I do wrong? any suggestions on this?


I use this function to make sure that every function is loaded correctly:

 * @summary detect when a single object finishes loading. 
 * @param {object} obj the object that we are waiting for 
 * @returns {boolean} true when the object finishes loading
const finishWorking = async (obj) => {
    if (helpers.isFunction(obj.refresh)) {
        switch (obj.type) {
            case HUD_OBJECT_TYPES.hudConfig: { await hudConfig.refresh(); break; }
            case HUD_OBJECT_TYPES.hudWebsites: { await hudWebsites.refresh(hudConfig); break; }
            // case HUD_OBJECT_TYPES.hudSubscriptions: { await hudSubscriptions.refresh(hudConfig); break; }
    return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        while (obj.status !== workStatus.done) {
            await helpers.sleep(1000);
            // finishWorking(obj)
            /**  ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.infinite loop was here  **/



  • since it is a chrome extension:

    1. sharing the object reference between the popup and the options page will create a copy for each of them since each of them is a separate document.
    2. trying to share object reference between the background and other components will cause an error, cause this kind of sharing is not allowed.

    the solution was:

    1. instantiate the object on the very top background page.
    2. interact with that object using chrome.runtime.sendMessage() function, sending the right message and directing the response to the right object method.


    // background.js
    const configObj = new Config();
    chrome.runtime.onMessage(async (req, sender, sendResponse)=>{
        case "refreshConfig" : {
              await hudConfig.refresh();

    also you can send a message from popup or options or content as:

     const refreshButton = document.querySelector('#save');
    refreshButton.onClick(async() => {
      chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "refreshConfig"}, (data) =>{
          setData(data); //data is here the object after the update.