I have created a b-table that stores all the data from the API that has been hit from Swagger UI, since there's a lot of data I wanted to make the search button on top center of page works correctly by inputting store code or branch
How to implement filter for the table so the search button works as it should be? Thanks in advance
Here's a peak of my code (I already tried making filter for Store Code but it seems doesn't work?
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
import { getAllProvinces } from '~/api/delivery'
export default {
data() {
return {
perPage: 0,
currentPage: 1,
rows: 0,
items: [],
fields: [
key: 'id',
sortable: true,
label: 'ID',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'uploadReference',
sortable: true,
label: 'Upload Reference',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'requestId',
sortable: true,
label: 'Request ID',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'storeCode',
sortable: true,
label: 'Store Code',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'branchCode',
sortable: true,
label: 'Branch Code',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'b2bId',
sortable: true,
label: 'B2B ID',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'request',
sortable: true,
label: 'Request',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'response',
sortable: true,
label: 'Response',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'createDate',
sortable: true,
label: 'Create Date',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'errorClassification',
sortable: true,
label: 'Error Classification',
class: 'truncate',
computed: {},
watch: {
currentPage: {
handler(value) {
search() {
const data = this.items
if (this.search.length > 0) {
if (data.filter((item) => item.storeCode === this.search)) {
this.items = data.filter((item) => item.storeCode === this.search)
} else {
this.search = ''
} else {
// components: {
// },
created() {
mounted() {
methods: {
getAllStock() {
'http://swaggerlinkhere?requestPage=' +
this.currentPage +
.then((res) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
this.items = res.data.stocks
this.allStock = res.data
this.rows = res.data.totalDocuments
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.log('cek res stock:', JSON.stringify(res.data))
.truncate {
max-width: 190px;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
<b-form inline>
<label for="status">Status⠀⠀⠀⠀ :</label>
<div class="col-sm-2">
<b-form-input text></b-form-input>
<div class="branch">
<div class="col-lg-10 text-right">
<b-form inline label-align-sm="right" style="margin-left: 70px">
<div class="col-sm-2" label for="branch">Branch⠀:</div>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<b-form-input text style="margin-left: 33px"></b-form-input>
<br />
<b-form inline>
<label for="storecode">Store Code⠀:</label>
<div class="col-sm-2">
<b-form-input text></b-form-input>
<div class="branch">
<div class="col-lg-12 text-right">
<b-form inline label-align-sm="right">
<div class="input-group col-sm-10">
style="margin-left: 205px; margin-top: 5px"
<br />
<br />
<b-card body>
<b-card-header class="border-0">
<h3 class="mb-0">Stock List</h3>
<p class="mt-3">Current Page: {{ currentPage }}</p>
<div class="text-center">
<template v-slot:cell()="data">
<span v-b-tooltip.hover :title="data.value">{{
<div class="overflow-auto">
<b-card-footer class="py-4 d-flex justify-content-end">
You can use the bootstrap table filter for both status code and branch code.
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
filter: null,
filterOn: [],
perPage: 0,
currentPage: 1,
rows: 0,
items: [],
fields: [{
key: 'id',
sortable: true,
label: 'ID',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'uploadReference',
sortable: true,
label: 'Upload Reference',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'requestId',
sortable: true,
label: 'Request ID',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'storeCode',
sortable: true,
label: 'Store Code',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'branchCode',
sortable: true,
label: 'Branch Code',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'b2bId',
sortable: true,
label: 'B2B ID',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'request',
sortable: true,
label: 'Request',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'response',
sortable: true,
label: 'Response',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'createDate',
sortable: true,
label: 'Create Date',
class: 'truncate',
key: 'errorClassification',
sortable: true,
label: 'Error Classification',
class: 'truncate',
watch: {
currentPage: {
handler(value) {
methods: {
getAllStock() {
'http://swaggerlinkhere?requestPage=' +
this.currentPage +
.then((res) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
this.items = res.data.stocks
this.allStock = res.data
this.rows = res.data.totalDocuments
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.log('cek res stock:', JSON.stringify(res.data))
onFiltered(filteredItems) {
this.rows = filteredItems.length
this.currentPage = 1
created() {
<b-form inline>
<label for="status">Status:</label>
<div class="col-sm-2">
<b-form-input text></b-form-input>
<b-col lg="6" class="my-1">
<b-form-group label="Filter" label-for="filter-input" label-cols-sm="3" label-align-sm="right" label-size="sm" class="mb-0">
<b-input-group size="sm">
<b-form-input id="filter-input" v-model="filter" type="search" placeholder="Type to Search"></b-form-input>
<b-button :disabled="!filter" @click="filter = ''">Clear</b-button>
<b-col lg="6" class="my-1">
<b-form-group label="Filter On" description="Leave all unchecked to filter on all data" label-cols-sm="3" label-align-sm="right" label-size="sm" class="mb-0">
<b-form-checkbox-group v-model="filterOn" class="mt-1">
<b-form-checkbox value="branchCode">Branch Code</b-form-checkbox>
<b-form-checkbox value="storeCode">store Code</b-form-checkbox>
<b-card body>
<b-card-header class="border-0">
<h3 class="mb-0">Stock List</h3>
<p class="mt-3">Current Page: {{ currentPage }}</p>
<div class="text-center">
<b-table id="my-table" :per-page="perPage" :current-page="currentPage" small striped hover responsive show-empty :items="items" :fields="fields" :filter="filter" :filterIncludedFields="filterOn" @filtered="onFiltered">
<div class="overflow-auto">
<b-card-footer class="py-4 d-flex justify-content-end">
<b-pagination v-model="currentPage" :total-rows="rows" :per-page="perPage" aria-controls="my-table"></b-pagination>