I have the following code running in CI 4.1.2:
public function testForgotten(){
fwrite(STDERR,"\n\nProcess Forgotten:\n");
$_COOKIE[csrf_token()] = csrf_hash();
$result = $this->post('site/forgotten',array(
'Username' => 'my@email.com',
csrf_token() => csrf_hash(),
As you can see I simply want to check if the forgotten password form/page is working. However the output of $result->response()
includes the unposted to page along with <form action="http://example.com/site/forgotten" id="Config\Forms::reset" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
as part of the form (noting I've not put in the example.com - Codeigniter did that! So just wondering what I'm missing in terms of getting this test to run/work?
FYI I'm running under a PHAR file with php punit.phar tests/app/Controllers/SiteTests.php
which works fine when running simple get('/path/to/page');
I have since found the example.com can be changed in phpunit.xml.dist
but this has still not fixed the assertRedirect issue.
So the answer appears to be that CI4 does not actually populate the $_GET
or $_POST
variables rather its own internal mechanism. This becomes apparent when you use:
$request = \Config\Services::request();
Instead of $_POST
The solution is either a) use the getPost()
type functions or b) amend the framework (yes shock/horror!) in system/HTTP/RequestTrait.php
and setGlobal
to include:
switch ($method){
case 'post': $_POST = $value; break;
case 'get': $_GET = $value; break;