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Pass a function as prop which returns some jsx template

If I directly pass map function as a prop, it works. But it gets ugly. Is there a better way to approach this. I want to make it look cleaner.

<FoodInfo info={restaurant?, index) => (
  <View key={index} style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
    <View style={{height: Sizes.height * 0.35}}>
      <Image source={} style={styles.image} />

But if I separate it out and then pass it as prop it does not work. It gives me an error

Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of <Component/> from render.


  const infoFunc = () => {
    restaurant?, index) => (
      <View key={index} style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
        <View style={{height: Sizes.height * 0.35}}>
          <Image source={} style={styles.image} />

//pass the function

<FoodInfo info={infoFunc}/>


  • Your function returns nothing because it's missing a return statement

      const infoFunc = () => {
        return restaurant?, index) => (
          <View key={index} style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
            <View style={{height: Sizes.height * 0.35}}>
              <Image source={} style={styles.image} />

    or use round brackets:

      const infoFunc = () => (
        restaurant?, index) => (
          <View key={index} style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
            <View style={{height: Sizes.height * 0.35}}>
              <Image source={} style={styles.image} />

    When you want to pass components like this, you might consider passing them as children. Components are composable:

        {restaurant?, index) => (
          <View key={index} style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
            <View style={{height: Sizes.height * 0.35}}>
              <Image source={} style={styles.image} />

    Inside FoodInfo you can then get and render them from props.children.