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How to parse a fluent-bit json $log.<field> key?

I have the following log to be parsed:

TID: [-1234] [] [2021-05-31 09:53:26,680] - Unique ID: Evento_Teste, Event: {"event":{"metaData":"blue"}}

And below the configuration files that I created to deal with it.

    log_level info
    parsers_file parsers.conf

    Name tail
    Path /opt/wso2am/repository/logs/xtest-td.log
    Tag wso2.trace

    name   parser
    match  wso2.*
    Key_Name log
    Parser wso2_trace

    Name  stdout
    match *
    Format json_lines
# parsers.conf
    Name   wso2_trace
    Format regex
    Regex  ^TID: \[(?<TID>[-\d]+)\] \[\] \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\].* Unique ID: (?<unique_id>[_\w\d]+), Event: (?<event>.*)$
    Time_Key time
    Time_Format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

And I'm getting the following in the output:

[2021/06/01 16:09:15] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] inotify_fs_add(): inode=34902473 watch_fd=1 name=/opt/wso2am/repository/logs/xtest-td.log

This log will be sent to a ES instance, and I need to transform the value of the event key in an json object instead of a string as is.

I've tried to create some parsers using decoders but I couldn't find a way to transform the event in a json object.

How can I do it ?


  • I figured out how to parse.

    I've created a new parse:

        Name         json_field
        Format       json
        # Command       | Decoder      | Field    | Optional Action   |
        # ==============|==============|==========|===================|
        Decode_Field_As   escaped_utf8   log        do_next
        Decode_Field_As   json           log

    And I included it in the pipeline:

        log_level info
        parsers_file parsers.conf
        Name tail
        Path /opt/wso2am/repository/logs/xtest-td.log
        Tag wso2.trace
        name   parser
        match  wso2.*
        Key_Name log
        Parser wso2_trace
        name   parser
        match  wso2.*
        Key_Name event
        Parser json_field
        Reserve_Data True
        Name  stdout
        match *
        Format json_lines