I'm using the 2021 versions of eclipse, Xtext and Xtend and I'm trying to create a Xtext project that can create a plugin for IntelliJ.
I'm using the "Implementing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend - Second Edition" as a tutorial and followed the instructions there, however I'm stuck in chapter 11, where I'm supposed to click the option "IntelliJ IDEA Plugin" that I can also see in other screenshots, but my eclipse doesn't have it.
Here is how it looks for me and here is how it is supposed to look
Do recreate: New..Xtext Project -> Next -> There should be a IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Checkbox but there isn't
I tried googling it but everything I found had the option and I couldn't find anyone else with the same problem. I suspect it has something to do with the loosing support of Xtend but I can't find anything that could confirm that.
What is the problem and how can I fix it?
IntelliJ support was dropped long time ago
You might have more luck when generating a Language server and try run it under IntelliJ