Lets say I have an extern
function pointer in a header file
extern void (__stdcall * const glEnable) (GLenum cap);
is there a way to define it inside a function, because its definition depends on other stuff
void glInit()
Lib lib = loadLib("opengl");
glEnable = procAddr(lib, "glEnable");
You can do this:
// .h file
extern void (__stdcall * glEnable) (GLenum cap);
// .c file
void (__stdcall * glEnable) (GLenum cap) = NULL;
void glInit()
Lib lib = loadLib("opengl");
glEnable = procAddr(lib, "glEnable");
Now, the function pointer is null until someone calls glInit
. It is undefined behavior to call that function pointer before calling glInit
, and I assume that was your intention anyway.