In Visual studio code, When I am using chart.js in my app, prettier always put a comma at the end of the last data of the object 'label'. I think, it's create a bug which unable to show my chart on my browser. it show blank. Code is given bellow.
let massPopChart2 = new Chart(myChart2, {
type: "bar", // bar, horizontalBar, pie, line, doughnut, radar, polarArea
data: {
labels: [
"1st Day",
"2nd Day",
"3rd Day",
"4th Day",
"5th Day",
"6th Day",
"7th Day",
JavaScript has allowed trailing commas in array literals since the beginning, and later added them to object literals (ECMAScript 5) and most recently (ECMAScript 2017) to function parameters.
This is a relatively new change in syntax, but the basic idea is that by putting a comma on each line allows for:
.You can read up on the full documentation if you like - it goes into further detail:
As far as the issue with your chart not displaying, unless you are using a very old browser, a trailing comma should not cause an error/information to not display.