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Unexpected margin and padding on bootstrap modal show with sticky-top class

When I open a bootstrap modal, I get unexpected side padding or side margin on some html tags.

One example:

Before showing the modal:

<div id="fixedMenu" class="d-none container-fluid menu sticky-top px-0" style="">

After showing the modal:

<div id="fixedMenu" class="d-none container-fluid menu sticky-top px-0" style="padding-right: 15px; margin-right: -15px;">

padding-right: 15px; margin-right: -15px; appeared in style property.

Another example:

Before showing the modal:

<form class="sticky-top sticky-top-filters" id="filters" style="">

After model show:

<form class="sticky-top sticky-top-filters" id="filters" style="padding-right: 39px; margin-right: -15px;">

padding-right: 39px; margin-right: -15px; appeared in style property.

What could explain such behavior from a bootstrap modal?


I just figured out that class sticky-top was causing the issue, when I remove it, problem desapears. (But I need this class)


  • I got an anwser from this post:

    First, catch modal events to apply style:

    $('body').on('', function () {
    $('body').on('', function () {

    Second add new classes in style:

    .fixModal {
      padding-right: 0 !important;
      margin-right: 0 !important;