I need help solving this problem. If I put 2, or greater than 2 in $guaranteedTier in my database, I get this error "cannot set property 'type' of undefined. But if it's 1 in $guaranteedTier, it works normally. The error is on line 112: cardToAdd.type = 'character'; Could tell me what I did wrong, and what could I do, to solve this?
My Schema:
const { model, Schema } = require('mongoose');
const Probability = require('probability-node');
const _ = require('lodash');
const cardPackSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
unique: true
description: String,
cards: Number, //Número de cartas dentro desse pack
type: String, //Se é um Personagem, Feitiço, Item, Todos
tier: Number,
probability: {
//Probabilidade de pegar cartas de especifico tier
1: Number,
2: Number,
3: Number,
4: Number,
5: Number,
price: Number,
discount: Number, //Desconto em porcentagem %
stock: Number, // -1 é infinito no estoque
guaranteedTier: Number //Se refere ao tier da descriçao do pack
cardPackSchema.methods.purchase = async function(memberID) {
const profile = await this.model('Profile')
.findOne({ memberID })
if (this.stock === 0)
return {
res: 'err',
title: 'Not available',
desc: 'The pack you are trying to purchase is out of stock'
if (profile.coins < this.price - this.price * this.discount)
return {
res: 'err',
title: 'Insufficient Coins',
desc: 'You do not have sufficient coins to purchase this pack'
const cards = []; //Cards to give to the player;
//-> Adding Guaranteed tier card
if (this.guaranteedTier > 1) {
addCard.call(this, this.guaranteedTier);
//->Probabilitized function
const addRandomCard = new Probability(
p: this.probability['1'],
f: () => addCard.call(this, 1)
p: this.probability['2'],
f: () => addCard.call(this, 2)
p: this.probability['3'],
f: () => addCard.call(this, 3)
p: this.probability['4'],
f: () => addCard.call(this, 4)
p: this.probability['5'],
f: () => addCard.call(this, 5)
//-> Adding the rest of the cards
for (var i = 1 + cards.length; i <= this.cards; i++) {
await addRandomCard();
//->Add Cards to inventory
const deck = await this.model('Deck')
.findOne({ memberID })
profile.deductCoins(this.price - this.price * this.discount);
await deck.addCards(cards);
//->Return card names
return {
res: 'success',
coins: profile.coins - (this.price - this.price * this.discount)
//->Add Card function
async function addCard(tier) {
const randomTypeCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1) + 1;
//Adding a Character card
if (
(randomTypeCard === 1 && this.type === 'all') ||
this.type === 'character'
) {
const cardToAdd = _.sample(await model('Character').find({ tier }));
cardToAdd.type = 'character';
if (
!_.includes(cards.map(card => card.name), cardToAdd.name) ||
cardToAdd.sold >= cardToAdd.stock
) {
await cardToAdd.sell();
} else addCard.call(this, tier);
model('CardPack', cardPackSchema);
its most probably cardToAdd.type
are you sure that cardToAdd is not undefined ? i think this line returns nothing :
const cardToAdd = _.sample(await model('Character').find({ tier }));
which means this code may return nothing :
await model('Character').find({ tier })