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Linear transformation and matrix multiplication fails with JS

I'm learning linear algebra and trying to make a little program with basic linear transformations (rotating, scaling, translating).

Here is the fully working example:

I wrote functions for generating each matrix for each transformation and functions to calculate them (multiplying matrix with a point, multiplying matrices).

export const multiplyMatrixWithPoint = (matrix, point) => {
  return, index) => {
    let result = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      const matrixIndex = index * 4 + i;
      result += dimension * matrix[matrixIndex];

    return +result.toFixed(2);

// Just creating 2D array to make it easy to calculate the matrix
export const matrixToPoints = matrix => {
  const result = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    const onePoint = [];

    for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
      onePoint.push(matrix[4 * i + j]);

  return result;

// Just making 2D array to 1D
export const pointsToMatrix = points => points.reduce((acc, points) => [...acc, ...points], []);

// Transpose function to make the matrix multiplication correct
export const transposeCSSMatrixToTransform = matrix => matrix[0].map((column, index) => => row[index]));

export const multiplyMatrices = (matrixA, matrixB) => {
  const separatePoints = transposeCSSMatrixToTransform(matrixToPoints(matrixB));

  return pointsToMatrix(transposeCSSMatrixToTransform( => multiplyMatrixWithPoint(matrixA, point))));

export const rotationMatrixGenerator = (matrix, angle) => {
  const radians = degreeToRadian(angle);

  matrix[0] = Math.cos(radians);
  matrix[1] = -Math.sin(radians);
  matrix[4] = Math.sin(radians);
  matrix[5] = Math.cos(radians);

  return matrix; 

export const scaleMatrixGenerator = (matrix, { x, y }) => {
  matrix[0] = x;
  matrix[5] = y;

  return matrix;

export const translateMatrixGenerator = (matrix, { x, y }) => {
  matrix[12] = x;
  matrix[13] = y;

  return matrix;

For showing the transformations I used CSS's matrix3d

export const matrixToCSSMatrix = matrix => `matrix3d(${matrix.join(',')})`;

And here are the executing part of the code

  const [matrix, setMatrix] = useState(DEFAULT_MATRIX);
  const [rotationAngle, setRotationAngle] = useState(0);
  const [scale, setScale] = useState(DEFAULT_XY);
  const [translate, setTranslate] = useState(DEFAULT_XY);

  const classes = useStyles();
  const { app } = classes;

  // ---------------------- Rotate --------------------- //
  const rotate = useCallback(e => {
    const { value: angle } =;

    const rotationMatrix = rotationMatrixGenerator(matrix, +angle);
    const updatedMatrix = multiplyMatrices(matrix, rotationMatrix);

  }, [matrix]);

  // ---------------------- Scale --------------------- //
  const changeScale = useCallback((e, dimension) => {
    const { value } =;
    const updatedScale = {
      [dimension]: +value

    const scaleMatrix = scaleMatrixGenerator(matrix, updatedScale);
    const updatedMatrix = multiplyMatrices(matrix, scaleMatrix);

  }, [matrix, scale]);

  // ------------------ Translate --------------------- //
  const changeTranslation = useCallback((e, position) => {
    const { value } =;
    const updatedTranslation = {
      [position]: +value

    const translateMatrix = translateMatrixGenerator(matrix, updatedTranslation);
    const updatedMatrix = multiplyMatrices(matrix, translateMatrix);

  }, [matrix, translate]);

Firstly I thought it's because I didn't transpose the matrix, I tried to transpose it, it helped a little but didn't fix all bugs. Also, I tried to collect all transformations and apply them at once, but it was a very bad solution and didn't work well.

I need to have a separate rotation, scaling and transition, but rotation and transition are didn't work well because they are using the same segments of matrix. Also, I can't achieve normal rotation against Z-axis.


  • Here I compute 3D transformation matrices (4 x 4 matrices) for 2D translation, scale, and rotation. I also compose them with explicit concatenation in the style transform, or by pre multiplying the matrices.

    const resultEl = document.getElementById('result')
    const angleEl = document.getElementById('angle')
    const xEl = document.getElementById('x')
    const yEl = document.getElementById('y')
    const sxEl = document.getElementById('sx')
    const syEl = document.getElementById('sy')
    const premulEl = document.getElementById('premul')
    /** Counter clock-wise rotation */
    function getXRotation(angle){
      const c = Math.cos(angle)
      const s = Math.sin(angle)
      return [
      +c, -s,  0,  0,
      +s, +c,  0,  0,
       0,  0,  1,  0,
       0,  0,  0,  1];
    function getTranslation(x, y){
    return [
     1, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 1, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 1, 0,
     x, y, 0, 1]
    function getScale(sx, sy){
    return [
     sx, 0, 0, 0,
      0,sy, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 1, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 1]
    function mat4mul(B, A){
      const C = [];
      for(let i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
        for(let j = 0; j < 4; ++j){
          let c = 0;
          for(let k = 0; k < 4; ++k){
            c += A[4*i+k] * B[4*k+j]
      return C
    const update = (e) => {
      const T1 = getTranslation(xEl.value, yEl.value)
      const T2 = getXRotation(angleEl.value * Math.PI / 180)
      const T3 = getScale(sxEl.value, syEl.value)
      let T = '';
        T = `matrix3d(${
        })` = 'yellow';
        T = `
        ` = 'gray'
      } = T;
    angleEl.addEventListener('input', update)
    xEl.addEventListener('input', update)
    yEl.addEventListener('input', update)
    sxEl.addEventListener('input', update)
    syEl.addEventListener('input', update)
    premulEl.addEventListener('input', update)
    div#result {
     background-color: gray;
     border: 2px solid black;
     color: black;
     width: 3cm; 
     height: 2cm;
    <label>Rotation angle <input type=range id=angle min=0 max=360 value=0>
    <label>Translation X <input type=range id=x min=0 max=360 value=0></label><br>
    <label>Translation Y <input type=range id=y min=0 max=360 value=0></label><br>
    <label>Scale X <input type=range id=sx min=0.5 max=2 value=1 step=0.01></label><br>
    <label>Scale Y <input type=range id=sy min=0.5 max=2 value=1 step=0.01></label><br>
    <label><input type=checkbox id=premul> Multiply matrices
    <div id=result>Result</div>