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add prop types to render props function

When using regular react components, there are multiple ways to enable intellisense for a component (through prop types for functional componentds, or jsdoc comments), but if the component uses the render prop pattern like this:

return this.props.children({ config, onClickConfig })

and used like this:

    ({config, onClickConfig}) => (<button type="button" onClick={onClickConfig}>{config}</button>)

is there any way that we can enable intellisense for the type of the config object or the onClickConfig function ?

I see that typescript can enable this, by reusing the types in the consumer, but is it possible to achieve using jsdocs or prop types ?


  • My guess would be to use both and document well.

    const propTypes = {
      children: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
      // ... other proptypes
     * @param {object} props the props object
     * @param {({ config: React.ElementType, onClickConfig: function }) => React.ElementType} props.children the render prop
    const ConsumerComponent = ({ children, ...props }) => ( ..... );
    ConsumerComponent.propTypes = propTypes;