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Weak failure trace when using page object pattern with spock and geb

When using spock+geb you can assert that you are on expected page by assertion e.g.:

assert title == 'Sign In'

and you get a nice failure trace if assertion fails:

Condition not satisfied:

title == 'Sign In'
|     |
Login false
      5 differences (28% similarity)
      (Si)g(n I)n

But if I try to use page object pattern e.g.:

class LoginPage extends GebPage {
    static at = { title == 'Sign In' }

Trace is not very helping what's going wrong:

Condition not satisfied:


Is there any way how to use page object pattern and get more descriptive failure trace ?


  • According to geb mailing list responses the current workaround is:

    static at = { assert title == 'Sign In'; true }

    Thanks to David & Luke.