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Get Spring Boot management port at runtime when management.port=0

I'm looking for advice on how to get the port that was assigned to the embedded Tomcat that is serving the actuator endpoint when setting management.port property to 0 in integration tests.

I'm using Spring Boot 1.3.2 with the following application.yml configuration:

server.port: 8080
server.contextPath: /my-app-context-path

management.port: 8081
management.context-path: /manage


My integration tests are then annotated with @WebIntegrationTest, setting the ports shown above to 0:

@WebIntegrationTest({ "server.port=0", "management.port=0" })

And the following utility class should be used to get access to the application configuration when doing full integration tests:

class TestserverInfo {
    @Value( '${server.contextPath:}' )
    private String contextPath;

    private EmbeddedWebApplicationContext server;
    private ManagementServerProperties managementServerProperties
    public String getBasePath() {
        final int serverPort = server.embeddedServletContainer.port
        return "http://localhost:${serverPort}${contextPath}"
    public String getManagementPath() {
        // The following wont work here:
        // server.embeddedServletContainer.port -> regular server port
        // management.port -> is zero just as server.port as i want random ports

        final int managementPort = // how can i get this one ?
        final String managementPath = managementServerProperties.getContextPath()
        return "http://localhost:${managementPort}${managementPath}"

I already know the standard port can be get by using the local.server.port and there seems to be some equivalent for the management endpoint named But that one seems to have a different meaning. The official documentation doesn't mention a way to do this.

Is there currently any undocumented way to get a hand on that management port?

Solution Edit

As I am using the Spock Framework and spock-spring module for testing my Spring Boot application, I have to initialize the application like this:

@ContextConfiguration(loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader.class, classes = MyApplication.class)

Somehow spock-spring or the test-initialization seems to affect the evaluation of the @Value Annotation so that @Value("${}") resulted in

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder '' in string value "${}"

With your solution I knew the property existed, so I simply use the Spring Environment directly to retrieve the property-value at test runtime:

ManagementServerProperties managementServerProperties

Environment environment

public String getManagementPath() {
    final int managementPort = environment.getProperty('', Integer.class)
    final String managementPath = managementServerProperties.getContextPath()
    return "http://localhost:${managementPort}${managementPath}"


  • This is how I've done it, copied straight from my test class (I use RestAssured for assertions):

    import org.junit.Test;
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    import org.springframework.boot.test.SpringApplicationConfiguration;
    import org.springframework.boot.test.WebIntegrationTest;
    import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext;
    import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
    import static com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured.get;
    import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
    @WebIntegrationTest(randomPort = true, value = {"management.port=0", "management.context-path=/admin"})
    public class ActuatorEndpointTest {
        private int localManagementPort;
        public void actuatorHealthEndpointIsAvailable() throws Exception {
            String healthUrl = "http://localhost:" + localManagementPort + "/admin/health";
                    .assertThat().body("status", equalTo("UP"));