I need to convert 3 whole number columns to text in a formula when adding a new column inside power query. I know how to do this in dax using FORMAT function but I can't make it work inside power query.
Then below is my CUSTOM COLUMN:
= Table.AddColumn(RefNo.3, "Refernce Number", each
if Text.Length([RefNo.3]) > 1 and Text.Length([RefNo.3]) < 11 then [RefNo.3]
else if Text.Length([RefNo.2]) > 1 and Text.Length([RefNo.2]) < 11 then [RefNo.2]
else if Text.Length([RefNo.1]) > 1 and Text.Length([RefNo.1]) < 11 then [RefNo.1]
else null)
However, at the moment I'm getting this error: Expression.Error: We cannot convert a value of type Table to type Number. Details: Value=[Table] Type=[Type]
So I know I need to convert the whole number columns to text first inside the formula. Also, I had to intentionally convert those 3 columns from text to whole number previously to get rid of redundant values (so that's not an option for me to revert that). thanks in advance guys.
There are any number of ways to solve this, depending on your real data.
before executing your AddColumn
Table.ReplaceValue(table_name,null,"",Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"RefNo", "RefNo2", "RefNo3"})
,>=0 and <10000000000
= Table.AddColumn(your_table_name, "Reference Number",
each List.Accumulate(List.Reverse(List.RemoveNulls({[RefNo],[RefNo2],[RefNo3]})),
null,(state,current)=> if state = null then
x = Text.Length(Text.From(current))
if x > 1 and x < 11 then current else state
else state))