I am building docs with sphinx
and one of my .rst files has the following content:
Internal API
.. autoclass:: Individual::Individual
:exclude-members: __weakref__
:member-order: bysource
.. autoclass:: exceptions::Error
:exclude-members: __weakref__
:member-order: bysource
.. autoclass:: exceptions::IncorrectValueError
:exclude-members: __weakref__
:member-order: bysource
The build is successful, but please take a look at the attached screenshot:
The problem is that the Individual
class is properly prefixed with Individual
module name whereas the two latter classes which reside in exceptions.py - are not. Why is this happening and how should I fix it?
Edit: I add the contents of my conf.py
below (without unnecessary parts):
import os
import sys
import sphinx_rtd_theme
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../moranpycess'))
extensions = [
templates_path = ['_templates']
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
html_show_sourcelink = False
html_static_path = ['_static']
As well as the contents of exceptions.py
class Error(Exception):
"""Base class for other exceptions.
Exception (Exception): built-in Exception class
class IncorrectValueError(Error):
"""Handling incorrect values of user's arguments.
Error (Error): Base class for other exceptions.
def __init__(
message="Please check the documentation for expected argument values.",
"""Class initializer.
parameter (str): parameter name
message (str, optional): error message.
Defaults to "Please check the documentation
for expected argument values.".
self.parameter = parameter
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
"""Display the error message.
str: error message
return f"Incorrect value for {self.parameter}. {self.message}"
This was indeed a special case of a reserved name in sphinx
It shall be fixed in the new release.