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Annotations in plot Julia

I am starting to program in Julia.

I would like to know how to put the corresponding name in the scatter for each country. I am using only the Plots.jl package, below is a screenshot of what I have done.

Any help is appreciated !!!



  • Use the series_annotations property. See the code below.

    julia> using DataFrames, Random, Plots
    julia> df = DataFrame(x=rand(8),y=rand(8),label=[randstring(6) for _ in 1:8])
    8×3 DataFrame
     Row │ x         y          label
         │ Float64   Float64    String
       1 │ 0.436953  0.307696   YVFnr8
       2 │ 0.269204  0.303321   Rpsbz5
       3 │ 0.120839  0.870337   TEHjOf
       4 │ 0.329191  0.893599   9cERmd
       5 │ 0.484566  0.852965   wn379M
       6 │ 0.743256  0.856181   RW1AjF
       7 │ 0.857837  0.0873707  YpdRO2
       8 │ 0.668681  0.414274   gJ4HLw
    julia> scatter(df.x, df.y, series_annotations = text.(df.label, :bottom))

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