I would like to have a has_one
filtered by a sort field on a join table that connects my many-to-many associations.
I have two schemas:
schema "thing1" do
field :name
many_to_many :thing2, Thing2, join_through: "thing1_thing2"
schema "thing2" do
field :name
many_to_many :thing1, Thing1, join_through: "thing1_thing2"
And a join table that looks like:
schema "thing1_thing2" do
field thing1_id
field thing2_id
field created_date, :utc_datetime
I'd like to add a has_one
on thing1
that automatically orders by that created_date
. Maybe it looks something like this:
schema "thing1" do
has_one :oldest_thing2, Thing2, through: [:created_date, :desc]
Is something like this possible? I know filtered association are but not sure about what those filters can do.
An additional option could be to have a boolean
field on the association that I could filter for. What does that look like?
You can use filtered associations, so you can do something like:
schema "thing1" do
has_one :filtered_thing2, Thing2, where: [flag: true]
But I don't think ecto has any support for ordered associations as yet. Should you need to have a combination of ordering and filtering on associations, you can write a custom function by virtue of composable queries.
defmodule Thing1 do
schema "thing1" do
has_one :filtered_thing2, Thing2, where: [flag: true]
def custom(query)
from c in query,
order_by: [desc: c.created_at]
You can then make use of this and query like:
assoc(thing1, :filtered_thing2) |> Thing1.custom() |> Repo.all()