I've tried to use Julia and I have some question for fixing length of float and decimal point when saving data.
The input file's name is "L100_A100_C100.dat" and it has data as below:
0.599566E+00 0.666925E-06 0.3348E+02 0.2527E+03 -0.6948E+04
0.599633E+00 0.666924E-06 0.3394E+02 0.2529E+03 -0.6949E+04
0.599699E+00 0.666922E-06 0.3424E+02 0.2528E+03 -0.6949E+04
0.599766E+00 0.666920E-06 0.3440E+02 0.2527E+03 -0.6949E+04
0.599833E+00 0.666919E-06 0.3460E+02 0.2525E+03 -0.6948E+04
0.599899E+00 0.666919E-06 0.3488E+02 0.2522E+03 -0.6948E+04
0.599966E+00 0.666919E-06 0.3530E+02 0.2520E+03 -0.6948E+04
So I programmed as below:
file = open("L100_A100_C100.dat", "r")
data = readdlm(file, Float64, skipstart=1)
writedlm("output.txt", data)
and Output is
0.599566 6.66925e-7 33.48 252.7 -6948.0
0.599633 6.66924e-7 33.94 252.9 -6949.0
0.599699 6.66922e-7 34.24 252.8 -6949.0
0.599766 6.6692e-7 34.4 252.7 -6949.0
0.599833 6.66919e-7 34.6 252.5 -6948.0
0.599899 6.66919e-7 34.88 252.2 -6948.0
0.599966 6.66919e-7 35.3 252.0 -6948.0
but my question is how to fix length of float and decimal point (just like '%10.3f'
in Python)?
In Julia, printf
is available as a macro
. A Julia macro is a piece of Julia code that generates other Julia code at compile time. In this case, at the compile time, the macro @sprintf
generates a formatting object (this also validate the formatting string) and the formatting code. Later, at the runtime, the actual formatting is performed.
Hence you can do:
julia> x = rand(2,3)
2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
0.475864 0.285398 0.969636
0.46037 0.708167 0.45792
julia> using Printf
julia> m = (a->(@sprintf "%10.3f" a)).(x)
2×3 Matrix{String}:
" 0.476" " 0.285" " 0.970"
" 0.460" " 0.708" " 0.458"
Now you have a matrix of pre-formatted texts that you directly dump to file (I use stdout
julia> writedlm(stdout, m, "" , quotes=false)
0.476 0.285 0.970
0.460 0.708 0.458