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Get current authenticated user from security context as key for Spring Cache

I have method without parameters and I want to cache return value. As cache key I want to use current authenticated user from security context

@Cacheable(value = "resultCache", key="")
    public result getResult() {}

Is it possible or my idea is wrong.


  • You have four options to achieve this:

    1. Send the Authentication object as a method parameter:

      @Cacheable(value = "resultCache", key="")
      public Result getResult(Authentication authentication) {}
    2. Create a custom KeyGenerator and use it in your @Cacheable annotation

      public class CustomKeyGenerator implements KeyGenerator {
          public Object generate(Object target, Method method, Object... params) {
              return SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName();
      public class CacheConfiguration {
          public KeyGenerator customKeyGenerator() {
              return new CustomKeyGenerator();
      @Cacheable(value = "resultCache", keyGenerator="customKeyGenerator")
      public Result getResult() {}
    3. Create a bean that provides you the key and references it via SPeL in the key property. I would recommend you going for this approach since it allows you to change the value later more easily.

      public class CacheKeyProvider {
          public String getUsernameKey() {
              return SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName();
      @Cacheable(value = "resultCache", key="@cacheKeyProvider.getUsernameKey()")
      public Result getResult() {}
    4. Use the Type SpEL expression

      @Cacheable(value = "resultCache", key="T(")
      public Result getResult() {}

    Note that I used the name property from the Principal in the examples. But if you have a custom Principal object you can cast it and return any property you want.